INSTANT Area Code INSTANT Area Code is the easiest to use area code utility available for the Macintosh. Just hit the hot key of your choice, and the Instant Area Code program will jump into action. The second you type in the area code, the state (and/or cities) will appear. Hit return, enter, or Command Key-Q to exit back into the application you were working with. No need to search on your hard drive for an Area Codes application. No need to wait for the application to launch. No need to use the mouse at all! One key does it all!   Area code lookup at your finger-tips! If you hate looking up area codes—you’ll love INSTANT Area Code. At only $9.95, you can give your fingers a rest—and let your Mac do all the work. Call or fax us today to get your copy! How to order: INSTANT Area Code is only $9.95! Phone: 800-368-5195 or 303-872-8651. (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Mail: Adam Stein, Insanely Great Software, 126 Calvert Ave. E., Edison, NJ 08820 Email: AdamStein on AOL, 71140,2051 on Compuserve, and on the Internet. Fax: 908-632-1766 Checks and money orders should be made payable to Insanely Great Software. We accept Visa and MasterCard.